Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine
Acupuncture is a beneficial, effective form of medical treatment that is widely used for holistic healthcare purposes. Practitioners of acupuncture have used this non-invasive treatment method to help many people become well and stay well. Acupuncture not only promotes natural healing, but also enhances immunity, boosts physical and emotional health, and improves the overall function of the human body.
Combined with herbal medicine, acupuncture offers a safe, effective, and drug-free solution to address a wide variety of common health concerns and promote well-being.
What is acupuncture?
How does it work?
According to the theory of Chinese medicine, acupuncture works primarily by promoting the free movement of energy. Western scientific research has shown that acupuncture causes the production of molecules called endorphins, which are our bodies' natural painkillers. Nevertheless, acupuncture is used for many other conditions besides pain. Recent studies have shown that when an acupuncture needle is inserted into the body, specific regions of the brain are activated. This brain activation allows other systems of the body to be regulated with the modulation of molecules like neurotransmitters and hormones. Acupuncture can also modulate all primary systems in the body including the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems.
Does acupuncture hurt & is it safe?
Unlike hypodermic needles, acupuncture needles are as thin as hair, and they are not designed to cut the skin. Acupuncture needles are inserted to much shallower depths beneath the skin compared to hypodermic needles. The depth typically ranges from half an inch to just one inch, depending on the type of treatment. The length of the needle itself does not surpass one inch. Most people feel minimal to no pain as the needles are inserted. If there is prick or pain during initial insertion, it should diminish quickly.
When practiced by a licensed and trained doctor, acupuncture is extremely safe. As a system of health care, acupuncture has some inherent safeguards. Patients do not have to worry about taking several doses of medication, for acupuncture is drug-free and does no harm.
Chinese herbal medicine is part of an integrated system of primary healthcare, known as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which originated in China and other parts of East Asia thousands of years ago. One of the oldest healthcare systems in the world, TCM has matured to become what it is today - a natural system of primary healthcare that is being used by people from a wide range of cultural and social backgrounds.
Chinese herbal medicine takes a holistic approach to understand disease processes, emphasizing both the prevention of illness and its treatment. While most diseases or illnesses manifest a combination of symptoms, the actual presentation of a condition will vary from person to person. As a result, people with similar health conditions may be prescribed with quite different Chinese herbal medicine. A qualified practitioner can prescribe a personalized herbal formula tailored to address your unique health problem. As your condition changes and/or improves through treatment, the Chinese herbal remedy is adapted and refined until the desired health outcome is attained.
Chinese Herbal Medicine
What substances are used in Chinese herbal medicine?
Today, there are more than 450 substances commonly used in Chinese herbal medicine, which consist of mainly animal and mineral substances. Some, like ginger, garlic, and cinnamon, may be found in your kitchen, while others, such as chrysanthemum and peony flowers, are more likely to be found in your own garden. Many of the substances that are used may seem unfamiliar, bearing names like chai hu (bupleurum), di huang (rehmannia), and huang qi (astragalus). Some substances that were used traditionally are no longer part of modern professional Chinese herbal medicine practice. For example, traditional remedies derived from now-endangered species have been replaced by other substances with comparable effects.
How is Chinese herbal medicine prescribed?
Chinese herbal medicines can be made into formulas or isolated, highlighting both the individual therapeutic properties of each herb and their combined effects. A well-constructed formula maximizes the effectiveness in treating a specific condition, while also mitigating any undesirable effects of individual herbs.
What conditions does Chinese herbal medicine treat?
In addition to providing effective treatment for various health disorders, Chinese herbal medicine can be used to support general healthcare, prevent diseases, boost the immune system, and promote overall well-being.
Common conditions that can be treated with Chinese herbal medicine:
Insomnia and fatigue
Loss of appetite & common digestive disorders
Constipation and diarrhea
Irritable bowel syndrome
Common cold & influenza
Chronic headaches
Skin disorders
Fluid retention
Anxiety, depression & stress
Rheumatoid and osteoarthritis
Premenstrual syndrome & painful or excessive menstruation
Impotence & prostate disorders
Disorders associated with menopause